Sunday, December 4, 2011

Lab Reflections

Create a Profile Lab

During this lab, there was a mini-crime scene like the one we investigated a month later. We received 5 clues and at the end of all investigation of the "crime scene" we had to write-down what we knew, what we knew but needed testing to prove, and what we just couldn't figure out.

Clue #1 was a group of 4 fingerprints. My team members and I decided that it was from the right hand based on how they are placed on the page.
Clue #2 was a piece of red hair which we discovered was a Caucasian's colored hair.
Clue #3 was a ripped-up note that, when put together, read "you will never find her."
Clue #4 was another hair that was proved to be that of an African-American female. 
Clue #5 was either blood or lip-gloss smear. We decided that it was supposed to be a fake blood smear since it was too thick to have been lip stick or lip-gloss.

As a group, we were required to investigate and use our previously learned knowledge to find out who was involved and who committed the crime. My team members and I determined that the guilty one was an African American woman, and that the victim (or someone who was there) was a Caucasian female.Further investigation of other evidence showed that there was a struggle and the victim was injured.

Handwriting Lab
For this lab, we simulated a few forgeries. We each wrote "the quick fox jumped over the lazy brown dog." We then passed the paper to our neighbors and they attempted to free-handedly forge our handwriting, then the next person had to try and forge it by tracing.

Next we participated in an activity where we tried to figure out who wrote the check based on our handwriting lab sheet. We sent our handwriting sheets and our ripped-up written checks to another table. The people would have to put the check back together and then try and guess who wrote it. I almost automatically knew who wrote the check just because I knew the person's handwriting so well.

Lip-Print Lab

In this lab, we were to apply lipstick or a colored lip-gloss and kiss a small piece of paper, then observe the unique characteristics of our print. For example, in my print, I found that my upper lip was a little bigger than my bottom one, I also had very prominent ridges on some sections of my lips. I had a scratch on my lip t the time, so that was quite obvious, and the indentation at the top of my lip wasn't very deep.

Witness Account Lab

This lab was created so to see how helpful we would be if we were questioned about a crime. We got into pairs and cut out faces that were all about the same size, then we cut apart the prominent features in the faces (eyes/forehead, nose/cheeks, mouth/chin and hair). Then, we each constructed a face out of the different pieces of the faces and had our partner try to memorize the face, and then re-construct it at the end. The face I challenged my partner with wasn't very difficult, but it did take a while for him to put it back tgether.

Footprint Lab
This foot print is hard to
see, but it is mine.
In this activity, we had a small container of dirt. Each member of our group (4 were in my group at the time) took turns making their foot-print in the dirt. The rest of us would then measure the length and width, the weather conditions, date, time, and medium  at the time the footprint was "found." The foot print to the left is mine. 
During the activity, we had to record this data:

Experiment Title: Footprint Analysis for Natassja
Time: 11:42 
Observer’s Name: Iyanna, Sammie and Brandon Weather Conditions: Partly cloudy 
Temperature: 64F
Wind Direction: (NW) 
Wind gust: 46mph 
Wind speed: 29 mph 
Relative humidity: 83% 
Most Recent Precipitation: Rain 11/16/11 
Substrate: Sand
Number of Track’s identified:
Impression measurements=Length:10 inches, Width (at the widest part of foot): 5 inches 
Position in track series: Forward 
Direction of Track: North 
Analysis: We can tell that the shoe had a heel because the dirt towards the back of the print is slightly deeper than the rest of the print. Because of the heel and the size of the print, we could tell it was a woman's shoe.

Drug Lab

In the drug lab, we were required to test each artificial/simulated drug with drug reagents in order to determine what kind of "drug" we were dealing with. The 3 drugs that we used for testing was "cocaine,""LSD," and "methamphetamine." Unfortunately, in this lab, we were not able to test for the meth-positive drugs, since we were not provided the reagent to do so. From here, we took the pH of each drug by dipping it in the "drug" mixed with water. 

Poison Lab

For this lab, we began by researching the definition of a poison, the common sources of a poison, how crime labs deal with testing for poisons and the signs of a poison. 

1. Poison: a substance that, when introduced or absorbed, causes disturbance to living organisms that can sometimes lead to death.
2. Common Sources:
    a) a bug bite
    b) spoiled food
    c) substances that irritate or cause allergic reactions
    d) some plants/wild berries
    e) exposure to certain metals (lead for example)
3. Symptoms of poisoning:
    a) drooling/ foaming at the mouth
    b) dilated pupils
    c) bruising or slight discoloration around injection site 
    d) prolonged vomiting
    e) increased heart-rate and/or breathing
    f)  internal bleeding (sometimes blood vessels may burst) 

The experiment was to test for poisons. For 6 different poisons, there was a reagent to help us prove that it was a poison. For example, we tested for sugar since it could be fatally poisonous to a diabetic. We also tested for some harmful household chemicals and for metal poisons (lead). 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Crime Scene Investigation

Upon entering our biology class (or forensic lab) we had already been placed into 3 different groups and were heading to our designated crime scene. I had been informed that this was domestic crime. The house under investigation appeared to have been broken into, and our job was to uncover the secret to what exactly happened that night.

At the front of our lab, on the board, there was a selection of all of  the people that might be involved in any of the 3 crimes. Each card had the person's picture, their handwriting, blood type, one fingerprint and a few extra facts (for example, previous crimes, possessions, their proffesion and sometimes medical problems or medicines they have been taking).

Clue #1
Our first clue was a black, size 8 woman's high-heel shoe. Only one was found causing us to consider that 1) a woman was involved, but 2) that she was only able to get one off before the crime unraveled.

Clue #2A was a ripped up note that read "You will never find her." We compared this writing with all of the suspects' handwriting and it matched up to Smokey Johnson. The spacing between letter and words were about the same and one of the "e" letters matched identically with one written on his name card.

Clue #2A
Clue #2 was another note that had been ripped up, but this one read "Someone help me please." We repeated the same process that we did for clue 2A, and our results showed that Tyese Jefferson had written the note, but quickly because the last letters of her words drag out for a small amount rather that ending normally.

Clue #3A
Clue 3A was a fingerprint, but this one was an ulnar loop. It could have only been Tyese  Jefferson or Sandra O'Connor. The other evidence that was present, proved to us that it was Tyese's.

Our third clue was a fingerprint that had the pattern of a plain whorl. Only one of the possible suspects matched up with this: Smokey Johnson.

The 4th clue that was found was a (fake) gold earring that we assumed could only be the victim's (who we had by now conluded, was Tyese Jefferson).

Clue #5 was a piece of green fiber. We compared it to nylon, in the lab, and found a perfect match.
Clue #6

Clue 6 was a posible poison, but once tested, it was found to be iodine, something commonly used by those with thyroid problems.

The 7th clue found was a footprint found outside, underneath one of the first-floor windows. It was 12 inches long and 4.5 inches wide, and the pattern looked like it might have been a skater's shoe. From the size of the print, we collectively concluded that it was a  man's shoe.

Clue #8
Clue #8 was A-positive blood. Only 4 of the suspects had A-positive blood: Courtney Smith, Tyese Jefferson, Jeb Sampson and Jet Trong. Although because other evidence of Tyese being at the crime scene at the time of the crime proved to us that it was her blood.

Clue #9 that we discovered was a large clump/ collection on hair. It was too much, too small, and too multi-colored to be human hair, so we tested it with the two animals that were also listed with the suspects, and we found that it matched almost perfectly with the dog hair. 

Clue  #10

Our final clue was a print that we were required to lift if we were to find what type of print it was. It was an ulnar loop, again proving that Tyese was there.

Now, reviewing our evidence, we have narrowed down 2 people that were involved: Tyese Jefferson and Smokey Johnson. As a group we sat down and looked at all of the information about the two involved.

Smokey Johnson had been to jail multiple times, had mental problems, worked in the food industry, and had mental problems. His fingerprint was a plain whorl.
Tyese Jefferson had thyroid problems, was a counselor and had A-positive blood.
Tyson is just the neighbor's friendly dog.

Final Conclusion:

After a long night out at a business party, Tyese Jefferson went home, but when getting out of her car, she noticed a dark figure walking down her neighborhood road. Assuming it was just her neighbor Claudia, walking her friendly dog, Tyson, she continued getting out of her car. She reached the front door fumbling for her key when she felt a soft pressure against her knee. Looking down, Tyese saw Tyson staring up at her.

"Go home boy, Claudia will be worried sick if she finds you gone," she softly scolded the dog while petting the top of his head (this is how the dog hair was found in her house). Then, as if he understood, Tyson ran off down the street. She finally got a hold of the correct key and went inside.

These stupid shoes are killing my feet! , she thought to herself, and she quickly took one off, then something occured to her and she paused, If that was Tyson, and he wasn't being walked, then who was walking down the street?

She had just filed a restraining order on one of her counseling clients when he started showing up everywhere she went. But after he tried to assult her during one of their meetings Tyese had had enough. She took him to court and got a highly strict restraining order

 No, she told herself, it couldn't be! He would get arrested again! But despite her attempts, she wasn't comforted. She ran to the living room window and, careful not to move the blinds too much, she peeked out at the quickly moving figure. Right as she did the light illuminated his face, revealing his identity... Smokey Johnson.

Tyese knew he would come for her, this is what she had been scared of since the day she took him to court. She locked the door and ran upstairs. She knew she still had her shoe on, but she didn't care, this man was dangerous and she had to get away from him. Locking herself in her room, she quickly dialed 911 on her home phone, but all she heard was....nothing! He had cut her phone line! She searched her purse for her cell phone, uh! I left it in my car!!! Now, all she could do is write something down. Someone please help me! (leaving the note on her dresser)

She jumped at the sound of breaking glass (the footprint outside the window). She couldn't do anything now. Smokey broke open the door in no time (but part of his jacket tore off on the door). He ran at her and reached for her hair, but when he pulled only an earring came off (making her ear bleed onto the floor). She helplessly screamed when he hit her over the head. She fell to the floor where he then tied her hands and feet and gagged her with a nearby sock.

 "They'll never find you where we're going," Smokey yelled, writing down, You will never find her! (the note written by Smokey Johnson) then ripping it up and throwing it on her. Then something caught his eye, her note.

"Oh you think you can write somethin' and they find you? " He walked over and snatched it up, then tore it apart (Tyese's note torn to pieces) and also threw it at her. "They won' find you!"

By now, she was crying hystercally. Then the man drug her out of the house.

The authorities were only alerted when Claudia walked by and noticed the broken window the next morning. But by then,
it was too late....